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​​​​​​​​The subject ENGLISH isn't just about Spelling and Grammar
it's about LIFE.
60 Years of Life Lessons (not found in textbooks).


​​FREE all day at your school.   

(There is only a nominal £240 contribution to overall expenses

– no other charges.)


Broadly two options (you can customise further):
Morning:      Narrative Performance/Q&A for an entire Year Group

Afternoon:   Narrative Performance/Q&A for an entire Year Group


Morning:      Narrative Performance/Q&A for (an) entire Year Group(s)

Afternoon:   Smaller classroom discussion groups/workshops


UK Schools!  
Please read these pages in their entirety to gain a comprehensive understanding  (in summary and detail) of what is being offered: format, content, delivery, message, teacher feedback, available dates.
Then select your preferred date from the tour schedule and send an email to secure it.  
(The cost is only a nominal £240 contribution to expenses – no additional charges).  

There are very engaging visuals (a PowerPoint file on a USB stick), so I need a computer (which can read a PowerPoint file!), projector, screen (I have a clicker). 
I need a parking space, please!
The rhythm established seems to be a morning and an afternoon talk/workshop, for Year 9 and above

(but this is flexible and customisable). 
Duration of the full narrative performance session should be 80-90 minutes, which allows me one hour (plus a few minutes) for the engaging narrative performance, and some time for a teacher-moderated Q&A discussion

Classroom session - cropped.jpeg

Smaller, classroom discussion/workshop after main narrative performance.

My presentation is usually a very lively, passionate ‘narrative performance’ (interactive workshop for school audiences) – combining: reading of passages from the book; insights into the extraordinary social evolution of the United Kingdom in the late 20th Century (with visuals which both students and staff find astonishing and jaw-dropping); anecdotes and life lessons from the amazing publishing journey; and self-deprecating humour.  

Year 9 and above, and teachers as well they all find this fascinating, entertaining, riveting.  


To book a speaking event, please get in touch by e-mail

(contact @ unimagined .co .uk)
Please include EVENT in the Subject header to clear the spam filter.



(Reserve your date from the Tour Plan and see also 'Notes for Schools' on the Content & Messaging page.)
(Non-UK schools: different terms apply
please email me.)

My events were 100% FREE in Phase One (no speaking fee, or travelling/hotel expenses, or submission of receipts for sandwiches purchased en route). I required only: a parking space; black coffee (no sugar). In Phase Two and Phase Three, I will be charging a nominal fee of £240 (full day, all inclusive, no additional charges) to contribute to all my expenses.  


Typically, I would be at your school for one entire day and deliver a lively narrative performance/workshop in the morning, and another in the afternoon.  But we can configure the day however you like – although there should be at least one narrative performance, as most of the 'Rules for Life' emerge from the story of the publishing journey. 


For example: a morning narrative performance to (an) entire Year group(s) could be followed by two or three or four, smaller, one-hour classroom discussion groups later in the day.  This is now my preference – it has been working very well!


This is not relevant solely for Year 9 English.  The story narrated/performed is absolutely pertinent to English, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Sociology,  PSHE, Modern History, Citizenship,  all Humanities in general – and the target audience is from Year 9 to sixth-form to adult (including the teachers, who look just as riveted as the students).  The story includes life's decisions about higher education and career etc.  


Book signing (if desired) potentially can be during lunchtime and at the end of the day.  I am happy to sit in the library (or wherever) at lunchtime and answer students' questions and chat with them informally.  


Generally, in my presentations, I do not discuss: Religion or specific religions, God or specific gods, current world conflicts, politics, etc.  My focus is on: emotional intelligence; our common humanity (there is no 'Other'); some positive 'Rules for Life'


The book is quoted to demonstrate the extraordinary evolution of British society over the last 50-60 years.  This is a lively narrative performance, with age-appropriate humour. 


Reserve your date!  Send me an email

Weekdays – Schools have priority
Evenings and weekends – available for Bookshops




PHASE M (Malaysia): APRIL - MAY 2024  



Schools: this is the one that really works for you, isn't it?  I understand the pressure you're under concerning exam preparations!  Send me an email now to secure your date.  Thank you!  â€‹

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Hampton School 2.JPG
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